Live Events

Check here for all the upcoming TRP Live Events.

Family Friendly, All Ages Event!
TRP Heavyweight Title Match
Rhode Island Lion Nico Silva(c) vs. World Class Channing Thomas with Sidney Bakabella
TRP Interstate Title Match
Victorious BRG Brett Ryan Gosselin(c) vs. Flex 2.0 Cesar Leo
Impact Star Vincent vs. Matt Magnum
AEW Star Jora Johl vs. Bull James fka Bull Dempsey
WWE NXT Star Anthony Green, Brutal Bob Evans, and TRP Tag Champion Traevon Jordan vs. The Beastmaster(PPG and PPH) and Moshpit
Darley Desamot vs. Cassius Hall
Women's Tag Match
Luscious Latasha and LMK Little Mean Kathleen vs. Sara Bully Jade and Shannon Levangie
Lock Up Wrestling 6 Man Tag Action
Rylie O'Neil, Koosh Bandicoot, & Erik ChaCha vs. Elias Markoplous, H2O Ryan Water, and The Difference
Impact Star Alisha Edwards will be in attendance as well.
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